Monday, December 31, 2007


Sarging is one of those things you have to do with the right friends. You can't go boarding with newbies. They only slow you down. If the people around you don't have the same mentality as you then they just get in the way. My friends from CCCNJ have zero game and they just get in the way. In the past I've always avoided bring girls around to meet them and they are not socially savvy enough to want to bring a girl to meet. Playing Nintendo DS and talking about games while also making it a big deal when your talking to a girl is just not the kind of behavior you would want from a group of friends you would want a girl to meet.


As much as I like hanging at Karaoke bars, I want to hit up a place where there are a lot of people. Problem with Karaoke bars is that it's not really a social environment, you may see two or three sets and we're also not that into singing.
I need to start steering Cwingers to hit up some parties. At least monthly check out ACCESS NIGHTLIFE, BASENYC, MAGICMATCHPARTY, and STAGE NIGHTLIFE events. In order to bypass being stopped at the door and so we don't have to pay cover, we'll hit the clubs early. Get our names on the list, find ourselves a table, go out and sarge, leave the club at 2:00, grab some eats and head back. I can't be coming home at 5 or 6 in the morning.

We should also work on our day game. I'm thinking hanging out at malls, parks, and book stores, dividing into groups of two and practice opening sets.

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